28 research outputs found

    O potencial do galego como elemento integrante da estratexia empresarial

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    [Resumo] Este artigo pretende vincular o uso da lingua á estratexia empresarial desde a súa mesma concepción. Actualmente, o galego é unha lingua de uso habitual na empresa, mais non é a “lingua visíbel” das relacións que se producen entre os diferentes grupos de interese que existen arredor da empresa. Logo da revisión do concepto de estratexia, pódese afirmar que esta é un instrumento para inserir a empresa no seu contorno. A cuestión lingüística pode formar parte das estratexias corporativas, competitivas e funcionais e contribuír de forma clara ao incremento do valor da empresa. Na realidade empresarial actual, o uso da lingua galega axuda o reforzamento de estratexias de diferenciación pola calidade e pola asunción da imaxe de Galiza nos produtos e nos servizos. Tamén se relaciona o uso do galego nas empresas galegas coa súa responsabilidade social corporativa nun contexto onde desde o mundo empresarial cómpre dar pasos cara á normalización desta lingua.[Abstract] The aim of this paper is to link the use of the Galician language to the corporate strategy from its origin in order to achieve the main objectives of the firm. Nowadays, Galician is a common used language in firm relationships. However, it can not be considered as the “visible language” of the different relationships among the stakeholders in the firm. After analyzing the concept of strategy, we can say that strategy is a useful tool to insert the firm in its environment. The linguistic subject could be part of the corporate, competitive and functional strategies and contribute to increase the value of the firm. Presently, the use of Galician by the firm can strengthen its option to make itself different from its competitors because it is linked to a higher level of quality and to the image of Galician product our service. Given that the process of linguistic normalization of Galician needs make progress in the business realm, It is also connected to the Social Responsibility of the Firm

    O papel da lingua nas estratexias corporativas das empresas

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    O potencial do galego como elemento integrante da estratégia empresarial

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    The aim of this paper is to link the use of the Galician language to the corporate strategy from its origin in order to achieve the main objectives of the firm. Nowadays, Galician is a common used language in firm relationships. However, it can not be considered as the “visible language” of the different relationships among the stakeholders in the firm. After analyzing the concept of strategy, we can say that strategy is a useful tool to insert the firm in its environment. The linguistic subject could be part of the corporate, competitive and functional strategies and contribute to increase the value of the firm. Presently, the use of Galician by the firm can strengthen its option to make itself different from its competitors because it is linked to a higher level of quality and to the image of Galician product our service. Given that the process of linguistic normalization of Galician needs make progress in the business realm, It is also connected to the Social Responsibility of the Firm.Este artículo pretende vincular el uso de la lengua a la estrategia empresarial desde su misma concepción. Actualmente, el galego es una lengua de uso habitual en la empresa, pero no es la “lengua visible” de las relacines que se producen entre los diferentes grupos de interés que existen alrededor de la empresa. Tras la revisión del concepto de estrategia, puede afirmarse que esta es un instrumento para insertar la empresa en su entorno. La cuestión lingüística puede formar parte de las estrategias corporativas, competitivas y funcionales y contribuir de forma clara al incremento del valor de la empresa. En la realidad empresarial actual, el uso de la lengua gallega ayuda al refuerzo de estrategias de diferenciación por la calidade y por la asunción de la imagen de Galicia en los productos e servicios. También se relaciona el uso del gallego en las empresas gallegas con su responsabilidad social corporativa en un contexto donde desde el mundo empresarial necesita dar pasos hacia la normalización de esta lingua.Este artigo pretende vincular o uso da lingua á estratexia empresarial desde a súa mesma concepción. Actualmente, o galego é unha lingua de uso habitual na empresa, mais non é a “lingua visíbel” das relacións que se producen entre os diferentes grupos de interese que existen arredor da empresa. Logo da revisión do concepto de estratexia, pódese afirmar que esta é un instrumento para inserir a empresa no seu contorno. A cuestión lingüística pode formar parte das estratexias corporativas, competitivas e funcionais e contribuír de forma clara ao incremento do valor da empresa. Na realidade empresarial actual, o uso da lingua galega axuda o reforzamento de estratexias de diferenciación pola calidade e pola asunción da imaxe de Galiza nos produtos e nos servizos. Tamén se relaciona o uso do galego nas empresas galegas coa súa responsabilidade social corporativa nun contexto onde desde o mundo empresarial cómpre dar pasos cara á normalización desta lingua.Este artigo pretende vincular o uso da língua à estratégia empresarial desde a sua própria conceção. Atualmente, o galego é uma língua de uso habitual na empresa, mas não é a “língua visível” das relações que se estabelecem entre os diferentes grupos de interesse que existem ao seu redor. Após a revisão do conceito de estratégia, pode afirmar-se que esta é um instrumento para inserir a empresa no seu meio. A questão linguística pode formar parte das estratégias corporativas, competitivas e funcionais e contribuir de forma clara para incrementar o valor da empresa. Na realidade empresarial atual, o uso da língua galega ajuda a fazer uma diferenciação no que diz respeito à qualidade e à assunção da imagem da Galiza nos seus produtos e servição. Também se relaciona o uso do galego nas empresas galegas com a  responsabilidade social corporativa num contexto que desde o mundo empresarial é importante dar passos em direção à normalização da língua

    Energetic Behaviour of Galicia in the Period 2001-2006 Based on the Analysis of the Energetic Balances

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolO obxectivo do presente traballo é describir o comportamento enerxético de Galicia no sexenio 2001-2006. Para analizar os principais fluxos enerxéticos do período de referencia empregouse información procedente dos correspondentes balances enerxéticos anuais. O traballo está estruturado en catro partes. En primeiro lugar estúdase a enerxía primaria e destácase o elevado grao de dependencia enerxética que Galicia ten dos combustibles fósiles (petróleo, carbón, gas natural, etc.) procedentes do exterior. Esta situación orixina un saldo enerxético deficitario coa súa contorna durante todo o período. En segundo lugar, a atención céntrase no efecto que teñen as transformacións enerxéticas que teñen lugar en territorio galego, poñendo unha especial atención no seu rendemento en función da orixe das diferentes fontes (autóctonas e importadas). A continuación estúdase como se verifica o consumo da enerxía dispoñible obtida a partir das ditas transformacións con especial atención ao lugar onde se realiza ese consumo (no interior ou fóra de Galicia) e á tendencia experimentada polo consumo interno durante o sexenio analizado. No último apartado extráense as conclusións do traballoEl objetivo del presente trabajo es describir el comportamiento energético de Galicia en el sexenio 2001-2006. Para analizar los principales flujos energéticos del período de referencia se empleó información procedente de los correspondientes balances energéticos anuales. El trabajo está estructurado en cuatro partes. En primer lugar se estudia la energía primaria y se destaca el elevado grado de dependencia energética que Galicia tiene de los combustibles fósiles (petróleo, carbón, gas natural, etc.) procedentes del exterior. Esta situación origina un saldo energético deficitario con su entorno durante todo el período. En segundo lugar, la atención se centra en el efecto que tienen las transformaciones energéticas que tienen lugar en territorio gallego, poniendo especial atención en su rendimiento en función del origen de las diferentes fuentes (autóctonas e importadas). A continuación se estudia cómo se verifica el consumo de la energía disponible obtenida a partir de dichas transformaciones con especial atención al lugar donde se realiza ese consumo (en el interior o fuera de Galicia) y a la tendencia experimentada por el consumo interno durante el sexenio analizado. En el último apartado se extraen las conclusiones del trabajoThe aim of the present paper is to describe the energetic behaviour of Galicia since 2001 up to 2006. In order to analyse the main energetic flows during this six-year time, data from six annual energetic balances are used. This work is divided into four parts. First of all, we deal with primary energy sources to emphasize the great degree of energetic dependence of Galicia on fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas…) coming from the outside of its lad. This situation leads the energetic balance to a deficit during the whole period. Secondly, the attention is focused on the effect of energetic transformations developed in Galicia, especially in terms of their performance depending on the origin of the different sources (own and imported). Afterwards, consumption of available energy coming form the different transformations is studied paying attention to where this consumption takes place (inside or outside of Galicia) and the trend of internal consumption during the six-year period analyse. In the last part of this paper we propose a set of conclusionsS

    A Dynamic Behavioral Model of the Credit Boom

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    [Abstract] In this paper we provide a dynamic model of banking competition where bounded rationality of some competitors explains how the credit cycle is amplified. We model the economic cycle following Rötheli (2012b) where boundedly rational banks, in their Bayesian learning, overestimate probabilities of success during booms and underestimate them during recessions. The main results obtained are three. First, the model suggests pessimism/underconfidence is not a powerful driver of credit cycles. Instead, it supports it is euphoria during large upswings what seeds the next crunch. Second, the dynamization of the model provides further insight on how boundedly rational competition amplifies the credit cycle. Finally, an additional prediction is that the effects of behavioral biases are expected to be more pervasive the lower the quality of the niche market

    An approach to the analysis of strategic development trend in the electricity production regarding the energy sector framework : the Ukrainian and Spanish cases

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    This paper aims to analyse the Strategic Development Trend in production of electricity both in Ukraine and Spain. Modern approaches and innovations in energy production are identified in these two countries. Energy market establishment has been analysed retrospectively and comparative approach in analytical research of energy sectors of Ukraine and Spain has been used along with SPACE-matrix analysis. By implementing this methodology, we work out the main factors related to the relevant energy issues and the graphic SPACE-matrix model has been carried out. Finally we draw conclusions.peer-reviewe

    An inclusive taxonomy of behavioral biases

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    This paper overviews the theoretical and empirical research on behavioral biases and their influence in the literature. To provide a systematic exposition, we present a unified framework that takes the reader through an original taxonomy, based on the reviews of relevant authors in the field. In particular, we establish three broad categories that may be distinguished: heuristics and biases; choices, values and frames; and social factors. We then describe the main biases within each category, and revise the main theoretical and empirical developments, linking each bias with other biases and anomalies that are related to them, according to the literature

    The Influence of Economic Barriers and Drivers on Energy Efficiency Investments in Maritime Shipping, From the Perspective of the Principal-Agent Problem

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    [Abstract] Maritime transport stands out as a strategic sector; the increasing trend in maritime traffic makes it essential to reduce energy consumption and emissions through investment in energy efficiency. However, investments can be hindered by barriers, and drivers are necessary to reduce or overcome them and promote investment. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to analyze what factors influence investment decisions—and how they do so—when there are principal-agent problems in the shipowner–charterer relationship. The methodology is based on the following process: model and hypotheses formulation, variable definition, the creation of a study sample and statistical treatment through a descriptive analysis of variables and a binomial logistic regression model, all based on a state-of-the-art application. The results corroborate the hypotheses and indicate that principal-agent problems and split incentives, especially in time charter contracts, and a lack of verified information make the shipowners less likely to invest. Moreover, energy efficiency measures are less likely to be implemented in older vessels, possibly due to the difficulty associated with recovering the investment; they are more likely in larger and newer vessels, and regulation encourage their adoption. Furthermore, investment is more likely in vessels with verified information and high levels of both activity and harmful emissions. Improved knowledge in this field could help businesses and governments to act in a more sustainable manner, without detriment to an innovative and competitive sector.Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2015/224This research was supported by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, grant number Ref. ED481A-2015/224 “Axudas á etapa predoutoral” Galician Plan of Research, Innovation and Growth 2011–2015 (Plan I2C) and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) under research project with reference RTI2018-100702-B-I00, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER)

    The problem of determining the energy mix : from the portfolio theory to the reality of energy planning in the Spanish case

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    This paper deals with the problem of defining efficient portfolios of electricity production assets using the Portfolio Theory, that is to say, by applying the return-risk analysis not to a single asset (e.g. a power station, a wind farm, a combined cycle gas plant), but to the set of technologies operating in a territory at a definite time. First of all, we study to what extent this methodological approach can be implemented to solve the problem of defining efficient sets of power production technologies, considering the fact that the Portfolio Theory was initially proposed in the field of financial investment. We focus on the main concepts of this framework (return, risk and diversification) and its uses in the energy mix context. Second, the evolution of the Spanish generation mix during the ten year period 2001-2010 is analysed according to two different variables: capacity and produced energy. Furthermore, we pay attention to the Spanish Government 2020 energy planning and compare it with several scenarios suggested using different patterns observed during 2001- 2010 period. Finally, the most important conclusions are drawn and some lines of future research are proposed.peer-reviewe

    Empty Coruña? Un dispositivo académico transdisciplinar sobre a problemática urbana. Como explicar os fallos de mercado e a intervención pública no sector da vivenda?

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    [Resumo] O curso de verán Empty Coruña contou con diferentes tipos de actividades nas que se aplicaron diversas metodoloxías. Isto foi posible grazas á labor desenvolvida por un equipo de traballo formado por docentes de Arquitectura, Arquitectura Técnica, Socioloxía, Dereito, Economía e Empresa da UDC. Un tipo de actividade foi impartir unha clase na rúa a través da utilización dun póster contando con profesores, empresarios, membros de movementos sociais e estudantes. Expoñer contidos sobre os fallos do mercado existentes no mercado da vivenda e a teoría da intervención pública ao alumnado serviu, por un lado, para repensar os esquemas tradicionais docentes. Desta forma, a universidade acercouse á cidade como axente analizador do proceso actual que sofre e os espazos urbanos ao aire libre transformáronse en actores pasivos do curso, ao cambiar o contexto da aula. E, por outro lado, a exposición de coñecementos serviu de base para o traballo práctico e participativo que posteriormente elaborou o alumnado. Esta metodoloxía permite xerar unha retroalimentación máis efectiva que coas exposicións orais tradicionais e supón unha maior implicación do alumnado no proceso de ensinanzaaprendizaxe a partir da cesión da responsabilidade da aprendizaxe ao propio alumnado. O resultado pedagóxico foi positivo, xa que o póster facilitou a explicación dos conceptos nun breve espazo de tempo a un público sen coñecementos previos de Economía e dun xeito visual e ameno[Abstract] The summer course ‘Empty Coruña’ had different types of activities in which different methodologies have been applied. This has been possible due to the work developed by a team of professors from Architecture, Technical Architecture, Sociology, Law, Economics and Business of the UDC. One type of activity was to teach a class on the street using a poster with the participation of professors, business people, members of social movements and students. Exposing content on the existing market failures in the housing market and the theory of public intervention for students served, on the one hand, to rethink the traditional teaching schemes. In this sense, the university approached the city as an analyser agent of the current process that suffers. Outdoor urban spaces have transformed into passive actors of the course, changing the context of the classroom. On the other hand, the presentation of knowledge served as a basis for the practical and participatory work done later by the students. This methodology allows creating a more effective feedback than traditional oral presentations and involves a greater implication of the students in the teaching-learning process, transferring the responsibility to the students. The pedagogical result was positive, as the poster facilitated the explanation of the concepts in a short space of time, to a public without previous knowledge of Economy and in a visual and entertaining way